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IDBI Bank Executive Exam Smart Learning - Videos & Notes
A brief outline of the IDBI Bank Executive study material content is as under QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Contents 1. Basic Tips For Calculation 2. Arithmetic 2.1 Number System 2.1.1 Introduction 2.1.2 Classification of Numbers 2.1.3 Classification of Natural Numbers 2.1.4 Properties of Rational and Irrational Numbers 2.1.5 Some important results on Numbers 2.1.6 Tests of Divisibility 2.1.7 Modulus of a Real number 2.2 HCF and LCM 2.2.1 Factors and multiples 2.2.2 Common factors 2.2.3 Highest Common factor (HCF) Prime factorization method Division method HCF of Decimals HCF of vulgar fractions 2.2.4 Least Common multiple (LCM) Prime factorization method Common Division method LCM of Decimals LCM of Fractions 2.2.5 Relation between HCF and LCM 2.2.6 Comparison of fractions using LCM 2.3 Simplification 2.3.1 VBODMAS Rule 2.3.2 Basic arithmetic operations and symbols 2.3.3 Short cut methods for basic operations Short cuts in Addition Short cuts in Subtraction Short-cuts in Multiplication Short cuts in Division 2.3.4 Some algebraic formulae for Simplification 2.4 Approximation 2.4.1 Addition and subtraction 2.4.2 Multiplication 2.4.3 Division 2.5 Ratio and Proportion 2.5.1 Definition and basic concepts 2.5.2 Ratio between more than two quantities 2.5.3 Compound ratio 2.5.4 Comparison of ratios 2.5.5 Proportion 2.5.6 Types of Proportion 2.5.7 Some specific cases 2.6 Average 2.6.1 Definition 2.6.2 Weighted average 2.6.3 Specific cases of average Average speed Average of Series of Numbers Miscellaneous cases 2.7 Additional Topics in Arithmetic 2.7.1 Problems on Trains Basic concepts Specific cases Train moving past a stationary point object Train moving past a stationary lengthy object Train moving past a moving point object Train moving past a moving lengthy object 2.7.2 Unitary Method Time and Distance Basic definitions and concepts Formulae for specific cases Time and Work Basic concepts Formulae for specific cases Pipes and Cisterns Basic concepts Basic principles Specific cases and formulae Boat and Streams Basic concepts Specific cases
3. Commercial Maths 3.1 Interest 3.1.1 Simple Interest Basic definitions and concepts Some specific cases 3.1.2 Compound Interest Basic definitions and concepts Compounding for different time periods and rates Some specific cases Cases relating Simple and Compound interest 3.2 Percentage 3.2.1 Definition 3.2.2 Conversion between Percent, fraction and decimal 3.2.3 Specific cases of Percentage Percent relationship between quantities Examinations and marks Geometry Depreciation Population growth Price and consumption 3.3 Profit and Loss 3.3.1 Definition 3.3.2 Rule of fraction 3.3.3 Specific cases of Profit and Loss Relation between Cost price and selling price Using false weights Discounts Multiple transactions 3.4 Partnership 3.4.1 Basic concepts 3.4.2 Basic principle of profit sharing Simple partnership Compound partnership 3.4.3 Specific cases 4. Series 4.1 Definition 4.2 Types of Series 4.2.1 Arithmetic Series 4.2.2 Geometric Series 4.2.3 Series of squares and cubes 4.2.4 Mixed series 4.2.5 Two tier Arithmetic series 4.2.6 Three tier Arithmetic series 4.2.7 Arithmetico-Geometric series 4.2.8 Geometrico-Arithmetic series 4.2.9 Twin series 4.3 Suggested steps for solving series problems 4.4 Different types of problems on Series 4.4.1 Finding the next term 4.4.2 Finding wrong/missing number 4.4.3 Two line number series 4.5 Some unique series GENERAL MENTAL ABILITY Contents 1. VERBAL TESTS
1.1 Reasoning Tests 1.1.1 Direction and Distance Test 1.1.2 Classification (Odd Man Out) Test 1.1.3 Coding-Decoding Tests 1.1.4 Series Test 1.1.5 Relationships Test Blood Relationships Test Coded Relationships Tests 1.1.6 Alphabet Test 1.1.7 Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test 1.1.8 Mathematical Operations 1.1.9 Logical Word Sequence Test 1.1.10 Cubes and Cubical Dice Tests 1.1.11 Data Arrangement Test 1.1.12 Data Sufficiency Test 1.2 Logic Tests 1.2.1 Syllogism 1.2.2 Statements Conclusions Coded Inequality
2.1 Problems Based On Symmetry 2.1.1 Problems On Mirror Images 2.1.2 Problems On Water Images 2.1.3 Completion Of An Incomplete Pattern 2.1.4 Problems On Paper Folding 2.1.5 Problems On Paper Cutting 2.2 Problem Based On Visual Ability 2.3 Classification 2.4 Series 2.5 Analogy
ENGLISH Contents 1. Parts of Speech 1.1 Noun 1.1.1 Kinds of Noun 1.1.2 Gender 1.1.3 Number 1.1.4 Case 1.1.5 Rules 1.2 Adjective 1.2.1 Kinds of Adjectives 1.2.2 Degrees of Adjectives 1.2.3 Rules 1.3 Pronoun 1.3.1 Kinds of Pronoun 1.3.2 Rules 1.4 Verb 1.4.1 Different Kinds of Verbs 1.4.2 Subject Verb Agreement 1.5 Adverb 1.5.1 The Kinds of Adverbs 1.5.2 Comparison of Adverbs 1.5.3 Some Rules Related to the Use of Adverbs 1.6 Preposition 1.6.1 Rules 1.6.2 Short List of One-Word Prepositions 1.6.3 General Rules Regarding Certain Prepositions 1.7 Conjunction 1.7.1 Classification of Conjunctions 1.7.2 Some Important Rules 1.8 Interjection 2. Articles 2.1 Kinds of Articles 2.1.1 The Indefinite Article ‘a/an’ 2.1.2 The Definite Article ‘the’ 3. Tenses 3.1 Classification of Tenses 3.1.1 Present Tense 3.1.2 Past Tense 3.1.3 Future Tense 3.2 Summary of Rules with Examples in Tabular Form 4. Punctuations and Capitals 4.1 List of Important Punctuation Marks 4.2 Rules Regarding Usages 4.3 Use of Capital Letters 5. Idioms and Phrases 5.1 Idioms 5.2 Phrases 5.3 Clauses 6. Sentences 6.1 Kinds of Sentences 6.2 Subject and Predicate 7. Active and Passive Voice 7.1 Active Voice 7.2 Passive Voice 7.3 Rules for Changing the Voice 7.4 Transformation of Sentences-Voice Change 7.5 Summary of Rules with Examples in Tabular Form 8. Direct and Indirect Speech 8.1 Direct Speech 8.2 Indirect Speech 8.3 Rules for Changing Direct into Indirect Speech 9. English Vocabulary 9.1 Antonyms 9.1.1 Strategies for Antonyms 9.2 Synonyms 9.2.1 Strategies for Synonyms
10. Fill in the Blanks 10.1 Types of Fill in the Blanks 10.1.1 Logical Fill in the Blanks 10.1.2 Paired Logical Fill in the Blanks 10.1.3. Grammar Based Fill in the Blanks 10.2 Strategies for Fill in the Blanks 11. Cloze Test 11.1 Strategies for Cloze Test 12. English Usage Errors 12.1 Types of Errors 12.1.1 Error in Subject Verb Agreement 12.1.2 Error in the Tense or Form of a Verb 12.1.3 Error in Subjunctive Mood 12.1.4 Error in Comparison 12.1.5 Error in the use of Adjective for Adverb or Vice-Versa 12.1.6 Error of Parallel Construction 12.1.7 Error in Diction or Idiom 12.2 Types of Common Errors 12.2.1 Common Errors in the Use of Articles 12.2.2 Common Errors in the Use of Nouns 12.2.3 Common Errors in the Use of Pronouns 12.2.4 Common Errors in the Use of Adjectives 12.2.5 Common Errors in the Use of Verbs 12.2.6 Common Errors in the Use of Adverbs 12.2.7 Common Errors in the Use of Prepositions 12.2.8 Common Errors in the Use of Conjunction 12.2.9 Common Errors in the Use of Tenses 12.2.10 Common Errors in the Use of Modals
13. Sentence Improvement 13.1 Strategies for Sentence Improvement 14. Rearrangement of Sentences in Paragraph 14.1 Strategies for Rearrangement of Sentences in Paragraph 15. English Comprehension 15.1 Types of Comprehension Based Questions
15.2 Strategies for Comprehension Based Questions
Tags: IDBI Executive Exam Pattern, IDBI Executive Exam Mock Test, IDBI Executive Exam Syllabus, IDBI Executive Exam Analysis, IDBI Executive Exam Eligibility, IDBI Executive Exam Dates, IDBI Executive Exam Schedule, IDBI Executive Exam Centres, IDBI Executive Exam Cut Off’s, IDBI Executive Exam Notifications, IDBI Executive Exam Subjects, IDBI Executive Exam Topics, IDBI Executive Exam Question Types, IDBI Executive Exam Question Papers, IDBI Executive Exam Previous Exam Papers, IDBI Executive Exam Sample Paper, IDBI Executive Exam Results. IDBI Executive Exam online test series syllabus, IDBI EXECUTIVE online mock test series, IDBI Executive Exam online mock test, IDBI Executive Exam online test series, online test series for IDBI Executive exam, IDBI Executive exam online application form, IDBI Executive exam application form, IDBI Executive exam online test admit card, IDBI Executive exam online test call letter
IDBI Bank Executive Exam Smart Learning - Videos & Notes
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A brief outline of the IDBI Bank Executive study material content is as under
1. Basic Tips For Calculation
2. Arithmetic
2.1 Number System
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Classification of Numbers
2.1.3 Classification of Natural Numbers
2.1.4 Properties of Rational and Irrational Numbers
2.1.5 Some important results on Numbers
2.1.6 Tests of Divisibility
2.1.7 Modulus of a Real number
2.2 HCF and LCM
2.2.1 Factors and multiples
2.2.2 Common factors
2.2.3 Highest Common factor (HCF) Prime factorization method Division method HCF of Decimals HCF of vulgar fractions
2.2.4 Least Common multiple (LCM) Prime factorization method Common Division method LCM of Decimals LCM of Fractions
2.2.5 Relation between HCF and LCM
2.2.6 Comparison of fractions using LCM
2.3 Simplification
2.3.1 VBODMAS Rule
2.3.2 Basic arithmetic operations and symbols
2.3.3 Short cut methods for basic operations Short cuts in Addition Short cuts in Subtraction Short-cuts in Multiplication Short cuts in Division
2.3.4 Some algebraic formulae for Simplification
2.4 Approximation
2.4.1 Addition and subtraction
2.4.2 Multiplication
2.4.3 Division
2.5 Ratio and Proportion
2.5.1 Definition and basic concepts
2.5.2 Ratio between more than two quantities
2.5.3 Compound ratio
2.5.4 Comparison of ratios
2.5.5 Proportion
2.5.6 Types of Proportion
2.5.7 Some specific cases
2.6 Average
2.6.1 Definition
2.6.2 Weighted average
2.6.3 Specific cases of average Average speed Average of Series of Numbers Miscellaneous cases
2.7 Additional Topics in Arithmetic
2.7.1 Problems on Trains Basic concepts Specific cases Train moving past a stationary point object Train moving past a stationary lengthy object Train moving past a moving point object Train moving past a moving lengthy object
2.7.2 Unitary Method Time and Distance Basic definitions and concepts Formulae for specific cases Time and Work Basic concepts Formulae for specific cases Pipes and Cisterns Basic concepts Basic principles Specific cases and formulae Boat and Streams Basic concepts Specific cases
3. Commercial Maths
3.1 Interest
3.1.1 Simple Interest Basic definitions and concepts Some specific cases
3.1.2 Compound Interest Basic definitions and concepts Compounding for different time periods and rates Some specific cases Cases relating Simple and Compound interest
3.2 Percentage
3.2.1 Definition
3.2.2 Conversion between Percent, fraction and decimal
3.2.3 Specific cases of Percentage Percent relationship between quantities Examinations and marks Geometry Depreciation Population growth Price and consumption
3.3 Profit and Loss
3.3.1 Definition
3.3.2 Rule of fraction
3.3.3 Specific cases of Profit and Loss Relation between Cost price and selling price Using false weights Discounts Multiple transactions
3.4 Partnership
3.4.1 Basic concepts
3.4.2 Basic principle of profit sharing Simple partnership Compound partnership
3.4.3 Specific cases
4. Series
4.1 Definition
4.2 Types of Series
4.2.1 Arithmetic Series
4.2.2 Geometric Series
4.2.3 Series of squares and cubes
4.2.4 Mixed series
4.2.5 Two tier Arithmetic series
4.2.6 Three tier Arithmetic series
4.2.7 Arithmetico-Geometric series
4.2.8 Geometrico-Arithmetic series
4.2.9 Twin series
4.3 Suggested steps for solving series problems
4.4 Different types of problems on Series
4.4.1 Finding the next term
4.4.2 Finding wrong/missing number
4.4.3 Two line number series
4.5 Some unique series
1.1 Reasoning Tests
1.1.1 Direction and Distance Test
1.1.2 Classification (Odd Man Out) Test
1.1.3 Coding-Decoding Tests
1.1.4 Series Test
1.1.5 Relationships Test Blood Relationships Test Coded Relationships Tests
1.1.6 Alphabet Test
1.1.7 Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test
1.1.8 Mathematical Operations
1.1.9 Logical Word Sequence Test
1.1.10 Cubes and Cubical Dice Tests
1.1.11 Data Arrangement Test
1.1.12 Data Sufficiency Test
1.2 Logic Tests
1.2.1 Syllogism
1.2.2 Statements Conclusions Coded Inequality
2.1 Problems Based On Symmetry
2.1.1 Problems On Mirror Images
2.1.2 Problems On Water Images
2.1.3 Completion Of An Incomplete Pattern
2.1.4 Problems On Paper Folding
2.1.5 Problems On Paper Cutting
2.2 Problem Based On Visual Ability
2.3 Classification
2.4 Series
2.5 Analogy
1. Parts of Speech
1.1 Noun
1.1.1 Kinds of Noun
1.1.2 Gender
1.1.3 Number
1.1.4 Case
1.1.5 Rules
1.2 Adjective
1.2.1 Kinds of Adjectives
1.2.2 Degrees of Adjectives
1.2.3 Rules
1.3 Pronoun
1.3.1 Kinds of Pronoun
1.3.2 Rules
1.4 Verb
1.4.1 Different Kinds of Verbs
1.4.2 Subject Verb Agreement
1.5 Adverb
1.5.1 The Kinds of Adverbs
1.5.2 Comparison of Adverbs
1.5.3 Some Rules Related to the Use of Adverbs
1.6 Preposition
1.6.1 Rules
1.6.2 Short List of One-Word Prepositions
1.6.3 General Rules Regarding Certain Prepositions
1.7 Conjunction
1.7.1 Classification of Conjunctions
1.7.2 Some Important Rules
1.8 Interjection
2. Articles
2.1 Kinds of Articles
2.1.1 The Indefinite Article ‘a/an’
2.1.2 The Definite Article ‘the’
3. Tenses
3.1 Classification of Tenses
3.1.1 Present Tense
3.1.2 Past Tense
3.1.3 Future Tense
3.2 Summary of Rules with Examples in Tabular Form
4. Punctuations and Capitals
4.1 List of Important Punctuation Marks
4.2 Rules Regarding Usages
4.3 Use of Capital Letters
5. Idioms and Phrases
5.1 Idioms
5.2 Phrases
5.3 Clauses
6. Sentences
6.1 Kinds of Sentences
6.2 Subject and Predicate
7. Active and Passive Voice
7.1 Active Voice
7.2 Passive Voice
7.3 Rules for Changing the Voice
7.4 Transformation of Sentences-Voice Change
7.5 Summary of Rules with Examples in Tabular Form
8. Direct and Indirect Speech
8.1 Direct Speech
8.2 Indirect Speech
8.3 Rules for Changing Direct into Indirect Speech
9. English Vocabulary
9.1 Antonyms
9.1.1 Strategies for Antonyms
9.2 Synonyms
9.2.1 Strategies for Synonyms
10. Fill in the Blanks
10.1 Types of Fill in the Blanks
10.1.1 Logical Fill in the Blanks
10.1.2 Paired Logical Fill in the Blanks
10.1.3. Grammar Based Fill in the Blanks
10.2 Strategies for Fill in the Blanks
11. Cloze Test
11.1 Strategies for Cloze Test
12. English Usage Errors
12.1 Types of Errors
12.1.1 Error in Subject Verb Agreement
12.1.2 Error in the Tense or Form of a Verb
12.1.3 Error in Subjunctive Mood
12.1.4 Error in Comparison
12.1.5 Error in the use of Adjective for Adverb or Vice-Versa
12.1.6 Error of Parallel Construction
12.1.7 Error in Diction or Idiom
12.2 Types of Common Errors
12.2.1 Common Errors in the Use of Articles
12.2.2 Common Errors in the Use of Nouns
12.2.3 Common Errors in the Use of Pronouns
12.2.4 Common Errors in the Use of Adjectives
12.2.5 Common Errors in the Use of Verbs
12.2.6 Common Errors in the Use of Adverbs
12.2.7 Common Errors in the Use of Prepositions
12.2.8 Common Errors in the Use of Conjunction
12.2.9 Common Errors in the Use of Tenses
12.2.10 Common Errors in the Use of Modals
13. Sentence Improvement
13.1 Strategies for Sentence Improvement
14. Rearrangement of Sentences in Paragraph
14.1 Strategies for Rearrangement of Sentences in Paragraph
15. English Comprehension
15.1 Types of Comprehension Based Questions
15.2 Strategies for Comprehension Based Questions
Tags: IDBI Executive Exam Pattern, IDBI Executive Exam Mock Test, IDBI Executive Exam Syllabus, IDBI Executive Exam Analysis, IDBI Executive Exam Eligibility, IDBI Executive Exam Dates, IDBI Executive Exam Schedule, IDBI Executive Exam Centres, IDBI Executive Exam Cut Off’s, IDBI Executive Exam Notifications, IDBI Executive Exam Subjects, IDBI Executive Exam Topics, IDBI Executive Exam Question Types, IDBI Executive Exam Question Papers, IDBI Executive Exam Previous Exam Papers, IDBI Executive Exam Sample Paper, IDBI Executive Exam Results. IDBI Executive Exam online test series syllabus, IDBI EXECUTIVE online mock test series, IDBI Executive Exam online mock test, IDBI Executive Exam online test series, online test series for IDBI Executive exam, IDBI Executive exam online application form, IDBI Executive exam application form, IDBI Executive exam online test admit card, IDBI Executive exam online test call letter